Woof! Spanky Reviews PJ Holistics Sea Moss!


One (maybe random) fact we have discovered among our friends in the wellness community is that many of us share our sea moss with our animals, and they seem to love it! 

We're no veterinarians, and don't claim to prescribe this to your pup. At the moment there's not a ton of research specifically related to dogs and sea moss. But we know sea moss is amazing for humans, and our dog always wants to join in when he sees us open a jar!

We have some ideas as to why Spanky may be intuitively drawn to sea moss when he gets a whiff of it in our kitchen. 

Sea Moss can help relieve allergies.

Sea moss is high in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation caused by allergies in people and some animals. Antioxidants also help fight free radicals that cause cell damage and disease development.

Sea Moss is known to be incredibly healthy to humans as a natural source of vitamins and minerals. Sea moss contains vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and K, as well as calcium and phosphorus. It also contains trace minerals such as iodine, selenium and zinc. These nutrients can help support bodilyy functions and overall health — including immune system health.

It helps promote a healthy digestive tract.

Sea moss contains dietary fiber which might help to promote regular bowel movements in dogs by preventing constipation and promoting peristalsis (the rhythmic contractions of muscles in the gastrointestinal tract).

Sea moss is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that may help relieve arthritis pain in older dogs or those with joint issues from other conditions like hip dysplasia or cruciate ligament tear repair surgeries.


Be sure to talk to your vet before feeding any new supplements to your pets, but this dog sure does love PJ Holistics sea moss gel!

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